Offering Reiki to Animals in Rescue Centres & Sanctuaries

Animal Reiki Panel Discussion

Tuesday 19 July 2022, 7pm (BST)
Open to all

Rescue animals have often been through a lot. Discover how Reiki can be offered to best support rescue animals competently and effectively.

Join an entertaining & engaging discussion with four Animal Reiki Practitioners. Our panellists Sue Malcolm, Jude McDermott, Ema Melanaphy, and Alison Schmutz will draw on their extensive experience to offer valuable advice and share endearing stories about their work offering Reiki to rescue animals.

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Please note: Event panellists do not necessarily express the opinion of the UK Reiki Federation and the UK Reiki Federation accept no responsibility for views expressed.
Sue Malcolm

Sue Malcolm

UK Reiki Federation Animal Reiki Co-ordinator

Sue is a Reiki & Animal Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher with 11-years of Reiki experience, especially helping animals in rescue centres and sanctuaries. Sue co-authored Understanding Animals: A working guide for Reiki Practitioners and led a project to develop national training standards for Animal Reiki, along with criteria for Animal Reiki Practitioner recognition and training accreditation.

Ali Schmutz

Ali Schmutz

UK Reiki Federation Animal Reiki Practitioner member

Ali is a bloodstock manager for a small racehorse breeder and an Animal Reiki Practitioner. She also volunteers at Oaktree Animals’ Charity where she is proud to offer comfort to dogs, cats and equines in their time of need.
Ema Melanaphy

Ema Melanaphy

UK Reiki Federation Animal Reiki Practitioner member

Ema is a Reiki Master Teacher, Animal Reiki Therapist, Meditation Teacher, online Journalist and Acupressure Practitioner. Ema loves offering Reiki to rescue animals and helping them turn from trauma to trust. She also loves reading the Tarot, ably assisted by her sidekick, Tigger! She describes herself as having a geeky streak!
Jude McDermott

Jude McDermott

UK Reiki Federation Animal Reiki Practitioner member

Jude is a Reiki Master Teacher, Animal Reiki Practitioner, dog trainer and behaviourist. She has shared Reiki with many dogs with issues after they have been rehomed from rescues and also with many horses. She especially intends to use Reiki to help more rehomed dogs to relax with their new carers in their new environment.

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