Dear UK Reiki Federation Member
You’ll be pleased to know that although CNHC and UKRF have quite distinctly different roles, we’re working together to ensure standards of practice for Reiki are maintained and improved. The key difference in our roles is that CNHC was established with government support to act in the interests of the public, while UKRF is there to act in your interests and those of the profession, and to provide support and services to you. UKRF encourages its members to register with CNHC – and CNHC encourages all of its registrants to be members of a professional association. It really isn’t a question of choosing between us.
You’re already familiar with the benefits of UKRF membership, so we’re taking this opportunity to highlight some of the professional advantages of CNHC registration.
- CNHC’s Register is approved as an Accredited Register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA). “Both the Government and the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) recommend that when a patient or service user chooses to visit a health or care practitioner who is unregulated, only those on an accredited register are consulted”. (Jane Ellison MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Public Health, November 2015).
- NHS Employers, the organisation that works on behalf of leaders and HR professionals in the NHS, has updated its website to include information about Accredited Registers. The website encourages NHS employers to signpost recruiting managers to the Accredited Registers and to include details in job descriptions and person specifications for relevant roles.
- Following a suggestion made by CNHC, the General Medical Council (GMC) has amended its referral guidance to make clear that doctors can refer patients to practitioners on a PSA Accredited Register.
- The report ‘Untapped Resources: Accredited Registers in the Wider Workforce’, published in October 2017 by the Royal Society for Public Health, highlighted that “Practitioners registered with CNHC support public health by encouraging their clients to make a range of lifestyle changes. These include improvements to diet and nutrition, support with giving up smoking and losing weight, support with reducing stress, improving sleep, managing pain and other symptoms, as well as overall enhancements to wellbeing. All CNHC registrants are committed to enhancing the UK public’s health and wellbeing.”
If you haven’t already registered with us, and wish to do so, then please complete the ‘request to register’ form below and return it to UKRF, who will confirm that you meet our education and training requirements.
Yours sincerely
Margaret Coats
Chief Executive & Registrar
CNHC Registration
UK Reiki Federation
9 Barnfield Close
Old Coulsdon
Surrey, CR5 1QR
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0203 745 9746