The Reiki Directory

Reiki Directory

Reiki training and treatments

Reiki training and treatments

Usui Reiki, Psychic Reiki tm, Seichim

I am a teacher and practitioner in traditional Reiki, Psychic Reiki and Seichim. I have been sharing these amazing healing art forms for over a decade. I offer group, 121 training and individual sessions from my comfortable, relaxing home studio in the middle of a forest park. I am also a holistic therapist, a clinical hypnotherapist and a regression therapist. I also provide training for adults to teach meditation to children. I have extensive experience helping people with stress and anxiety concerns, and regularly work with health care trusts, charities, schools and private enterprises.

Address: Coastguard Avenue, Helen\'s Bay, Bangor, UK

Phone: 07545474878


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