UPDATED 25/03/20
These are very difficult times for everyone and I just wanted to make sure our advice is as up to date as possible.
I will start with Reiki Shares and would advise all that all Reiki Shares are cancelled for the forseeable future. The allotted time could be used as for group distance healing instead.
For those of you that are working/volunteering within hospitals, hospices, care homes or health clinics, please follow the the guidelines set by your place of work, as they will be getting advice updates daily from NHS England.
For those of you that are self employed, I realise this is going to be really hard for you This disease can be carried by a person who may not be ill but can pass the disease on. Any of your clients who are in the ‘at risk’ groups, which includes anyone over the age of 70, anyone with heart disease, lung problems, kidney problems, diabetes, those undergoing cancer treatment, pregnant women will probably cancel as they all need to limit contact, apart from essential contact.
If you work from home you need to think about the impact on you and your family and I would advise to restrict treatments to 20 minutes only.
The guidelines for physical contact are that there should be one to two metres apart in distance, that wearing a mask is advisable if possible (the thicker ones last for 20 minutes, the thinner ones only for 2 minutes). Disposable aprons and gloves are also advisable, however you may have difficulty getting these items as the NHS is the priority.
The guidelines for treatment rooms would be to clean down and dispose of any items used, eg couch roll, aprons, gloves, masks, between every client/patient as the virus can live on a surface for 20 minutes. These rules will be the same for the NHS, hospices, clinics and care/nursing homes.
If you have a cough and temperature or sore throat and temperature, it is essential that you SELF ISOLATE for 14 Days and that includes your family. The first 7 days you can self certificate, if you need this for your place of work. As of 17th March 2020, you no longer need to get a Fitness to Work Certificate for the next 7 days, if you suspect you have COVID-19. This is a government directive and will not show on your workplace sickness record.
I hope this make things a little clearer, however, please do email me with any concerns and I will do my best to answer them [email protected]
Please remember to self heal and to send distance healing daily to look after each other
We know this will be difficult for many of you, but from a clinical point of view :
Our advice from this point in time is to give distance healing only for the sake of you, your family and that of your client and their families. We will review this regularly.
This virus is spreading quickly, we all need to do our part to halt it.
Take care stay safe at home and distance heal .
Peace and Calm
Sharon Penny
Clinical Coordinator