NHS Long Term Plan set to increase social prescribing
The recently published NHS Long Term Plan sets out a direction for the NHS in England over the next 10 years. A cornerstone of the plan is to give people greater control over their own health which includes plans to roll out social prescribing and personal health budgets. We encourage CNHC registrants and members of professional associations to have their input into how these plans are being developed. Find and contact your local Healthwatch here.
Read the full article on our website here.
All-Party Parliamentary Group proposes solutions to help improve patient care
In their first published report ‘Integrated Healthcare: Putting the Pieces Together‘, the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Integrated Healthcare (PGIH), urges government to embrace complementary, traditional and natural medicine to assist with addressing the key health issues affecting the country. This report was produced in consultation with 113 complementary and alternative medicine organisations – including the CNHC.
The PGIH recommendations include several that can support the NHS Long Term Plan, and they also call for government to take on board and act on the recommendations in the 2017 report ‘Untapped Resources: Accredited Registers in the Wider Workforce‘. CNHC asks the government and the NHS to consider making greater use of this resource via social prescribing and personal health budgets.
Read the full PGIH report here and more information on our website here.
Charity Commission consultation review published
In March 2017, the Charity Commission launched a consultation on how the law on charitable status applies to organisations that use or promote complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). CNHC provided a robust response, which you can view here. We stressed it is accepted that funds are not available for randomised controlled trials and drew attention to other sources of evidence, including clinical audits, case studies and patient reported outcome measures (PROMS).
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We’re pleased that the outcome confirms that the basic legal principles that apply to the Charity Commission’s work in assessing applications for charity status by CAM organisations remain unchanged. And we’re delighted that additional measurable methods will now be considered by the Charity Commission.
Read the outcome report from the Charity Commission here, and more information on our website here.
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