The challenges we faced this year were of a magnitude that most of us have never experienced in our lifetimes. We are truly living in unprecedented times. However, I’m hoping 2021 will eventually see a return to something approaching normality, In the meantime, there will no doubt be further rounds of lockdowns and changes to local protection tiers around the UK. We will continue to keep you updated on any changes to your ability to practise and the latest guidance on working safely.

One positive development during the November lockdown in England was the legal advice we obtained which stated that CNHC Registrants could be considered to be providing  “other…health services, including services relating to mental health” as specified in the regulations giving legal effect to the lockdown (Section 47, Part 3 of the Schedule to The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (No. 4) Regulations 2020). The legal advice took into account that in Sections 25D and 25E of the NHS Reform and Health Care Professions Act 2002 (as inserted by the Health and Social Care Act 2012) practitioners on Accredited Registers are defined as engaged in work that includes the provision of healthcare.

This meant Registrants were able to see clients with identifiable health needs during the lockdown and continue to support the public’s health and wellbeing at this crucial time.

We are continuing to push for a response from the Scottish and Welsh governments and the Northern Ireland Executive to our question of whether they consider complementary therapists on accredited registers to be engaged in work that includes the provision of healthcare and are therefore exempt from closure. We will keep you updated on progress.

If you are planning to see clients over the Christmas period, I will take this opportunity to remind you of our advice on following government guidelines on working safely. By following this and our Code of Conduct, Ethics and Performance you can reassure your clients that as a CNHC Registrant you are committed to Standing Up for Standards and their safety is paramount.

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