As we near the end of the August, we are glad to report that face to face and close contact (‘hands-on’) therapies have now resumed (with the exception of mobile working in Scotland). This is, of course, subject to local restrictions and lockdowns. We appreciate the need for clarity about what complementary therapists can or can’t do in such situations. CNHC are therefore signatories to a letter to Government from the Integrated Healthcare Collaborative (IHC) asking for clear guidance when local restrictions are imposed.

In the “new normal” we find ourselves in, there is still much uncertainty and understandable anxiety. We have updated our Advice to Registrants on following government guidance on preparing to return to work and working safely. As I mentioned in last month’s newsUpdate, CNHC is approved as an Accredited Register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA) – a body accountable to Parliament. This provides additional assurance that CNHC registrants meet UK-wide standards of patient safety and service quality and have a commitment to Stand Up for Standards. So if any of your clients are a little nervous about returning to see you, you can tell them that you are CNHC registered and explain just what that means in terms of safety and great standards of care.

Starting this month, we are publishing a series of articles to support you in returning to your practices, the first of which offers tips on reconnecting with your clients after lockdown.

With the UK Government’s new campaign to tackle obesity and reduce the risks of becoming seriously ill with COVID-19, the services nutritional therapists and hypnotherapists can provide are more important than ever. And as more people start to exercise and take part in sports, we are very pleased to announce the timely inclusion in July of sports massage as a new category on our Accredited Register. This in addition to the category of Sports Therapy.

Finally, CNHC continues its support of integrative healthcare. The rescheduled ECIM is now open for bookings with a discounted early bird rate for CNHC Registrants. This issue of our newsUpdate also includes an article by CNHC Registrant Marie Duggan on an innovative initiative that helps hospices and cancer centres whilst providing therapists with experience and skills in cancer care, makes for an interesting read.


Returning to work and working safely

We have updated our Advice to Registrants on following government guidance on returning to work and working safely during the coronavirus pandemic.
Our website also includes updates on the latest government announcements for England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland on returning to work.

IHC calls for clear guidance during local lockdowns

The Integrated Healthcare Collaborative (IHC), of which CNHC is an Associate Member, has written to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP, asking for the Government to provide clear guidelines for complementary therapists during local lockdowns… more »

Re-building your business: Part 1 – Reconnecting with existing clients

In the first of a series of articles, CNHC Registrant Katherine Creighton Crook offers some tips on rebuilding your business on reopening after lockdown. Step 1 focuses on how best to connect with your existing clients… more »

SEISS: Deadline to apply for the second grant

Online applications have opened for the second grant in the Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS).
If you were eligible for the first grant in the scheme and can confirm to HMRC that your business has been adversely affected on or after 14 July 2020, you can make your claim for the second grant.
The deadline to make a claim is 19 October 2020more »


Accessible clinical practice through a ‘mutually respectful exchange of skills’

In this article, CNHC Registrant Marie Duggan shares the innovative approach she has developed which involves an exchange of skills that benefits complementary therapists, hospices and cancer centres, and patients going through cancer….more »

Sports Massage added to the CNHC Accredited Registe

Our Accredited Register opened to the new discipline of sports massage in July. If you practise sports massage and would like to register with us, or are already a CNHC Registrant but would like to add an additional discipline to your registration, you must have completed a course that meets our core curriculum for sports massage.

ECIM: Discount for CNHC Registrants on early bird bookings

Registration has opened for the European Congress for Integrative Medicine (ECIM), which will now take place in London on 26-28 February 2021.

ECIM are offering CNHC Registrants a discount on early bird bookings made by 16 November. You can access your promotional code by logging into MyCNHC and visiting the ‘Resources’ section.

Volunteering opportunities for CNHC Registrants

The Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre based at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital is looking for CNHC Registered complementary therapists to provide treatments such as massage, aromatherapy, or reflexology to people living with cancer….more ».

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