Details of the latest government announcements for England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland on returning to work, along with CNHC guidance on preparing to return to work can be found on our website.
Each month we will answer questions raised by Registrants:
Q: I’m a self-employed complementary therapist and am over 70. I consider myself to be in good health. Is it safe for me to return to practising?
A: If you are aged 70 years or over, with no other health conditions that place you in the ‘high risk (clinically extremely vulnerable)’ category you fall into the ‘moderate risk (clinically vulnerable)’ group.
For more information, see guidance from the NHS on Who’s at higher risk from Coronavirus.
People in the moderate risk group are advised to stay at home and socially distance but they are not required to shield. They can return to work, if they can maintain social distance and are unable to work from home. You can therefore return to working face to face with clients if you can maintain the required social distancing.
If you practise ‘hands-on’ therapies, the current Government advice states that if you have to spend time within 2 metres of others, you must “carefully assess whether this involves an acceptable level of risk”. You can use the Government’s online Check if you should go back into work service for advice specific to your own situation.
Please check the Government and NHS websites on a regular basis as Government guidance may change in the future.
The decision to return to working is entirely a decision for you to make and we would recommend that you seek the advice of your GP or hospital consultant if you are being seen by one.
Q: What do you mean when you talk about face to face and ‘hands-on’ therapies?
A: Face to face therapies are ones where you are able to maintain a physical distance from your clients. Examples of face to face therapies are hypnotherapy and nutritional therapy. If you are able to maintain the required social distancing that the Government advises you may return to working face to face on the dates relevant to the country you practise in. More information on when you can return to work can be found here.
‘Hands on’ therapies are those that involve close physical contact with clients for extended periods of time, for example, massage therapy, reflexology and sports therapy. More information on when you can return to working ‘hands-on’ can be found here.
If you were eligible for the first grant and can confirm to HMRC that your business has been adversely affected on or after 14 July 2020, you’ll be able to make a claim for a second and final grant in August. Read More
New discipline added to the CNHC Accredited Register: Sports Massage
Our Accredited Register will open to the new discipline of sports massage on 20 July. If you practise sports massage and would like to register with us, or are already a CNHC Registrant but would like to add an additional discipline to your registration, you must have completed a course that meets our core curriculum for sports massage.
Banbury Chiropractic Clinic are looking for a part or full time CNHC Registered massage therapist. The closing date for applications is 25 July. Read More