Dear Client

We appreciate and share the very real concerns about the impact of the Covid-19 virus, like all other businesses we are in uncharted waters. Balens have worked closely with the UK Reiki Federation to ensure we are providing as much support and guidance to members throughout these uncertain times.

We would like to reassure you that we will continue to operate through these unprecedented times, although some of our business practices will inevitably need to change. We have put together information on our website that covers:

Please see :

Questions relating to your Malpractice & Professional Liability Policy

Q: What cover applies to virus related claims?
A: The policy covers you against third party claims and allegations of negligently causing accidental bodily injury (which includes illness) in the course of your business. The onus will be on the claimant to prove you were negligent. Any claim will be individually judged by insurers and subject to the full policy terms and conditions.

Q: What do I do if someone makes an allegation or claim against me?
A: Report it immediately to us, preferably by email to [email protected]. We will support you in the normal way in getting all relevant information together for insurers. Do not admit liability. Please refer to your policy document for full claims conditions.

Q: Does my policy cover me to practice my Reiki or other business activities online or over the phone?
A: Yes – with certain exceptions the policy will automatically provide cover for the business activities on your policy schedule when it is possible to conduct them via Skype, telephone or online consultations. All are subject to the standard terms and conditions of the policy, including the record keeping conditions that you can find in the ‘Conditions’ section of the policy wording.

The main exceptions, unless specifically agreed and endorsed on your policy, are:

  • Activities provided to clients in the USA and/or Canada, and
  • Cover for training resulting in the issue of a certificate of competency. Please contact the UK Reiki Federation and Balens for further guidance on this.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you require cover for either of the above, additional information will be required.

Please ensure you follow the guidelines set out by the UK Reiki Federation when continuing to practice.

We continue to follow Government advice and are monitoring the situation on a daily basis. We will post updated information on the news section of our website:

Health and Wellbeing Professionals will be playing an important role in the current climate by helping their clients to manage their stress and anxiety levels. We recognise and value this, although it is important to be mindful of, and manage Health and Safety both for yourself and your clients. Again, where we have information that we believe may be of assistance we will post this on our news pages. For those clients that are members of an Association or other Governing body, please also check information they will be sharing.

With kind regards

Balens Ltd

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